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Intolerances and food Allergies

Often, without suffering a specific disease, you can suffer from recurrent and persistent disorders of which you can not come to understand: swelling, dizziness, headache, chronic fatigue, dermatitis or sudden changes in weight, but also fatigue, insomnia, mild forms of depression.
The cause could be Food Intolerance, a phenomenon that in recent years has increased exponentially: European studies estimate a percentage of incidence of intolerances around 13% in children and 10% in adults.
People suffering from Intolerances suffer from disorders for years, trying all kinds of treatments without realizing it.
> Intolerance can be the symptom of a reaction of the organism to common foods, unsuspected, but that constitute a toxic stimulus capable of giving rise to numerous problems.
When these foods are consumed for a long time and in large quantities, they create an accumulation of undesirable substances that give rise to various ailments.
> The organ involved in this process is primarily the intestine,
which perceives some foods as toxins, and triggers inflammatory reactions that can manifest in various districts of the body. (Learn more about toxins here).
> Therefore, in such cases, as the first remedy is to avoid eating the same foods every day, and be careful with those who like them too. We also remember that any food, consumed often and in massive doses, can be intolerant, especially after a period of stress or illness, situations that fatigue both the intestine and the immune defenses.
> Allergy and Food Intolerance are completely different from each other, both because of the way they are "triggered" and because of their effects on the body.
However, the two are often confused.
> A fundamental difference between Intolerance and Allergy
In allergies the reaction of the organism is immediate and even a minimum amount of food is sufficient to trigger a reaction. Manifestations can also lead to respiratory problems, cardiorespiratory. Even the most severe form of anaphylactic shock, which, if not immediately treated with specific medications, can lead to coma and even death.
Unlike Allergies, Intolerances manifest slowly, subtly and progressively and are always associated with a greater amount of food that is ingested.
The time of onset of symptoms is very variable: it goes from 20 to 30 minutes after the meal until 5 days.
> The Allergy <
It is an exaggerated reaction of the immune system, which is triggered in response to an allergen. When our body comes into contact with a particular food, the antibody system causes an immune system response
Allergies are classified according to the antibodies involved in the reaction: IgE-mediated and
IgE-not mediated.
> Intolerance <
It is the inability of our organism to bear - to tolerate precisely - a certain food. After an abundant intake of a certain food, the organism "rebels", because it does not manage to digest it correctly.
Intolerance does not affect the Immune System, however, if we do not recognize it, treat it and neglect it, it can lead to its weakening.
>> There are also forms of food intolerance that can be confused with an allergy, because they are characterized by elements found in both disorders.
The most common is Histamine Intolerance, a time defined as "a pseudo allergy," due to the production of histamine after the ingestion of certain foods, called precisely histamine-releasing, such as eggs, crustaceans, chocolate, tomatoes, canned fish etc.
( Here for more details on Histamine Intolerance and its symptoms).
Common points between Intolerance and food allergy
Some effects on the body may be similar.
These include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, swelling, skin problems such as itching and redness, and respiratory disorders such as rhinitis and sinusitis.
To exclude that it is an Allergy
First, it is necessary to take a blood sample to detect antibodies of immunoglobulin E (IgE), ie substances produced by the body in the presence of an allergic reaction.
If elevated levels of IgE antibodies are detected in the blood, and related symptoms are also present, this will help confirm the diagnosis. Then, to understand what Allergy is, it will be necessary to perform the skin prick test.
If the Allergy test is negative, you can proceed to identify and resolve the Intolerance.
As a Naturopathic Therapist I can help you eliminate this disorder by following you through a Food Rebalancing Program.
>> Below are the most common symptoms of food intolerances: if you are over 5, you may be a person suffering from this disorder.
Weight changes
Atopic dermatitis
Muscle aches
Chronic fatigue
Intestinal gas
Irritable bowel
Premenstrual syndrome
Sleep disorders
With the right help, a little patience and determination, you can reach an ideal state of Balance and Wellness.
If you suspect a Food Intolerance, have questions or are interested in a consultation,
you can contact me
I’ll be happy to help you!
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