Global Nutricion

Have you ever thought about the miracle that occurs when we eat?
This food, once ingested, goes through a kind of alchemical process, is totally transformed, we assimilate it (from the Latin ad towards, similis, similar).
It becomes part of us, our blood, our cells, our tissues, organs, gadgets, thoughts, emotions. . .
Those we choose as food are important to our quality of life and are much more than a physical necessity!
The food mediates the relationship between ourselves and what surrounds us, the external environment, according to the vision of Naturopathy models our own Identity.
> The term diet derives from the Greek diaita which means way of living.
In ancient Greek medicine, the diet, in the sense of the health-oriented way of life, provided rules that regulated all aspects of daily life: from food to exercise and rest.
Not an extraordinary slimming therapy, but an order to watch diligently to constantly take care of one’s life.
On the other hand, the current conception is that of the temporary remedy towards the excess of the periods of celebration, or that imposed by the doctors against specific pathologies.
> The importance of food was indeed a fundamental theme for Hippocrates (460 B.C. - 377 B.C.), considered the father of medicine.
The human diet, according to him, was able by itself to maintain the well-being and balance of people. Only through food was it possible to be in harmony with oneself and with the World.
It was he who said, "Make Food Your Medicine!"
However, it is known, food has changed a lot over the centuries.
The history of food is closely related to the typical habits of man.
It is really important to fully understand how human food,
Over time, it has been influenced by many different factors, among which there are elements of territorial, climatic, relational, psychological, technological, industrial, commercial. .
It is increasingly evident that in recent decades sitting at the table has gone from a healthy and attentive gesture of daily sustenance, to a true act derived from a cultural product.
(You can read the history of natural and ethical nutrition on the page Hygenism)
Our food is conditioned by the means that offer misleading messages or by the advice given by certain "experts".
Certain advice, so to speak, anti-nutritional, comes precisely from those doctors who should follow the guidelines of Hippocrates but who are far from its principles and who, all too often, act for purely commercial purposes, linked to premiums and profits from the pharmaceutical industry of multinationals.
In contemporary society it is very important to take into account all this, especially in terms of the possibility of remedying some negative eating habits and, therefore, prevent the appearance of more or less serious pathologies.
>> 70-80% of immune cells reside in the intestine.
The intestine is the most extensive and complex part of the immune system. It receives a huge antigenic load daily and is able to distinguish between invasive pathogens and harmless antigens from food and commensal bacteria.
It has defense mechanisms that limit the access of harmful substances to the body. This intestinal barrier is composed of various elements such as pancreatic digestive enzymes, the intestinal epithelium and the bacteria that constitute the
Intestinal Flora, or Microbiota .
However, the most extensive and effective barrier is constituted by the GALT (Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue) able to discriminate effectively between invasive pathogens and innocuous antigens.
>>> Symbiosis Brain - Intestine <<<
The vision of a symbiosis between Brain - Emotions - Intestine is not new, that the belly was a privileged point in the emotional component already knew the Ancient Medicines.
Today, scientific data give us more reason to understand the close link between these districts.
The Central Nervous System is in permanent interaction with the
Gastrointestinal System.
This connection is bidirectional and takes place, first of all, by the sympathetic nerve pathways (splenic nerves) and parasympathetic (vagus nerves) of the Autonomic Nervous System.
>> 90% of Serotonin occurs in the intestine! <<
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, also called the Serenity Hormone, which regulates a wide range of functions, such as mood and behavior. But it is not the only present. . .
More than 200 million neurons manage intestinal activities and connect to the brain through the Vegetative Nervous System.
This intestinal nerve network by its size and mode of operation has been baptized by the neuroanatomists Second Brain or Enteric Brain.
> In fact it is known how much Stress and negative emotions can weigh on the health of the Gastrointestinal System:
These factors can interfere with its rhythms and thus disrupt peristalsis, the production of acids, enzymes, hormones, cytokines (mediators between the Immune System and organs during an inflammation).
In the light of these data the mechanisms of gastrointestinal disorders such as gastritis, ulcer, colitis, which fall within the so-called psychosomatic diseases are also made clearer.
>>> But the opposite path is also true, from the second to the first Brain.
According to Anatomy, the connections from the Enteric Brain to the Central are more numerous than those that make the inverse turn.
This means that intestinal disorders can produce an effect on the Brain, and its functions of Cognition and Memory ( mental confusion, Dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s) as well as affecting our thoughts, our emotions and our moods (worry, anxiety, depression).
> After these considerations you can better understand my approach as a Naturopathic Therapist.
To help you on your Wellness path we will work together, taking care of what I have called Global Nutrition :
Body - what you put in your dishes
Mind - the quality of your thoughts
Spirit - the emotions that accompany you
Learning to distinguish between eating and nourishing in a healthy and natural way means:
> Be informed about the origin of food, its conservation and its transformation, the ideal food combinations to facilitate the physiological work of our organs.
> Be present to ourselves and our thoughts and emotions when we eat, because even if we eat healthy and ecological food, but our Mind is not, we are introducing toxins as harmful as metabolic or environmental.
> Learn to live in synergy with the environment inside and outside of us.
> Regain balance Mind - Body and stimulate our Self-healing capabilities.
The path to Health and Happiness passes through Awareness and Responsibility, is a work of Research, Analysis and Growth.
It’s one of those responsibilities I like, because it allows you to
acquire freedom from conditioning and restrictions and to
take over the reins of your Life!
You can start (with Body Nutrition) by reading the Food Combining.
If you are looking for professional accompaniment to start a change in your habits you can contact me, I will be happy to help!